Safflower is typically one of those flowers that you don’t notice very quickly, but as you pay attention to the smaller details of the bouquet or arrangement, you see how fun and unique they are. Don’t recognize the Safflower in the shown bouquet? Look for the small, light orange, prickly-looking puffballs. Do you see them now? Aren’t they adorable?
Although Safflower may seem to hide behind some of the more eye-catching elements in an arrangement, they add texture and body to it that would be hard to achieve otherwise.
Safflower works best in arrangements that are unique, fun, colorful, and cheery. They also add a great element to fall arrangements, playing off of other oranges and browns well.
Safflower is also known as one of mankind’s oldest crops. It has been discovered in Ancient Egyptian tombs, and was used for dyes during this time. It is a less used crop today, mainly grown for its seeds and oil.