Gerbera Daisies, along with Roses, Tulips, Chrysanthemums, and Carnations, is one of the five most used cut flowers in the world. They can be paired beautifully with other flowers, and add more fullness to an arrangement. To the right, they are paired with Roses, Tulips, and Coffee Berry (which was our last Flower of the Week).
Like the other five most used cut flowers, Gerbera Daisies are fairly easy to get your hands on year-round, which makes them (like the Coffee Berry) a perfect choice for Autumn or Winter arrangements
Gerbera Daisies represent Innocence, Purity, and Cheer; along with separate meanings that go along with different colors.
The interesting thing about Gerbera Daisies is that they are not one flower, but many small flowers on the same stem. If you look at the center of one close enough, you can see the tiny separate buds.